Um olhar em transformação - 70 anos das ações em Turismo Social do Sesc São Paulo

Um olhar em transformação - 70 anos das ações em Turismo So

Um olhar em transformação - 70 anos das ações em Turismo Social do Sesc São Paulo

As ações em Turismo Social do Sesc, que completam 70 anos em 2021, experimentaram transformações ao longo do tempo. O intuito principal, que residia prioritariamente na democratização do acesso dos trabalhadores do comércio, serviços e turismo às práticas turísticas, tem compartilhado espaço com preocupações igualmente importantes: colaborar para a consolidação de cadeias econômicas em turismo que sejam éticas e sustentáveis; salientar o protagonismo dos participantes; gerar conhecimento a partir de pesquisas e debates sobre as dinâmicas contemporâneas do turismo; desenvolver processos que favoreçam o contato e o respeito pela diversidade; e garantir a fundamental presença dos processos educativos, realizados por meio da educação pelo e para o turismo. O turismo social é, afinal, parte de um contexto maior – a educação permanente, no qual se integra a outros programas das áreas de cultura, atividade física, saúde e lazer. Ou seja, o turismo no Sesc é um meio para despertarmos a consciência crítica não apenas dos viajantes, mas também dos anfitriões e das empresas que fazem parte deste processo de contatos e trocas simbólicas e materiais. Viagens, passeios, hospedagem social, palestras e bate papos são algumas das formas de se realizar esses objetivos.

Um olhar em transformação - 70 anos das ações em Turismo Social do Sesc São Paulo

Praia da Enseada of Bertioga, beach so decanted by the poet of the sea itself, quiet resort of the seacoast of São Paulo, was this the wonderful scenario chosen by SESCfor its most recent admirable performance, for its most recent admirable performance, the summer camp Ruy Fonseca. The SESC’s social tourism was born with the opening of its summer camp, today SESC Bertioga. Everything was predicted in order to provide to the commercial employees in vacation the higher comfort in the residential

housesand the healthier outdoor amusements. and the healthier outdoor amusements. It arose in a context of important social achievements, as the consolidation of the labor acts, the CLT, of 1943, assuring to the worker, among others, the right to remunerated annual vacation. The colony Ruy Fonseca already indicated the path that the SESC’s social tourism would follow along the next years. Understanding that the leisure, the rest and the travels, are citizen’s rights. Since then, the social

tourism grew and expanded. Always understanding that the travels should be part of a major context, the one of permanent education. I already know Pantanal, Corumbá, by SESC. I’ve never seen such a beautiful thing in my life, I am thinking it wonderful. It was the most incredible experience that I ever lived. Traveling is to experience the time and the space in a new way. Getting off the routine and change the rest period in a time of discovery and learning. The social to urism, wishes that each

experience is understood and fluid.The social tourism, At the same time that it understands our responsibility as a traveler, with the other and with the environment. And it’s the trail of this tourism, which SESC covers for 70 years. For 70 years searching to democratize access to tourism to more people. For 70 years revealing a new look for our city. Creating relations of knowledge, critics and belonging with the place we were born. I am knowing a São Paulo that I didn’t know. It’s very good

because to see a city with different eyes, you stop seeing like you always do, when you’re busy. For 70 years contributing for more funny and educational vacation. Other sculpture! Take children outdoor, make them stop using the mobile, tablets. My father told me that I go to the Ibirapuera park. For 70 years providing respect between visitors and visited ones. For 70 years, including in the world discussions about the ways of their own making. It is important to dedicate to think with

specificity in those issues concerning the tourism ethics. For 70 years promoting social living with each other. I already take part of the SESC tours for many years, I increase a lot my number of friendships. São Paulo SESC’s social tourism travels all year round, in high season, but also in low seasons, covering our country and mainly our state, inspiring the discovery of the surroundings. SESC has this quality of bringing us in place s that otherwise we wouldn’t go alone. It promotes an

education by tourism and for tourism. SESC’s social tourism that completes 70 years showing that knowing other places, people and cultures, can be life-changing. IN THE LAST 10 YEARS, MORE THAN 1.2 MILLION PEOPLE PARTICIPATED IN THE SOCIAL TOURISM ACTIVITIES, EITHER IN TRIPS, TOURS, LODGING, SPENDING A DAY IN SESC BERTIOGA. Inglês cial do Sesc São Paulo

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